Containment Protocol is a go....

Woohoo, publication day is here!  The lovely people at Mantic Games released Containment Protocol over the weekend, a collection of short stories around their tabletop game Deadzone, which was Kickstarted (and to a ridiculously successful degree) last year.  I back it, and on a side note the game is awesome, and this weekend got to be a part of of the growing Deadzone story as my short piece The Hunt was published in the collection.I had a lot of fun writing The Hunt.  The world Mantic have designed in Deadzone very much represents the zeitgesit of today, just as Games Workshop did in the 80s with Warhammer 40,000.  In it, we are presented with a galaxy run on a corporacracy, where the final word of law is what the largest corporation says it is.  It's serfdom in everything but name, which is basically the logical end result if capitalism is allowed to run unchecked.

Sound familiar?  Yup, scratch one down for why I find it so enticing.

Anyway, if you check it out I hope you like it... now I'm off to write another for their Dreadball anthology...
