I Aintn't Dead

Wow, June since the last update....?  Well I can only apologise, and promise you that I have very good reasons.  The wife and I are building a house, I had a big project due for Mantic Games (incoming soon), and, probably most importantly, we became parents again.  Three boys..... future me is crying about the food bill.But i have still been working, and have things afoot, not the least of which two anthologies which are being published soon with stories from yours truly included.  In fact I just heard that one - A Toy Christmas from Christmas Press Picture Books - might be getting a launch party in Melbourne in November.  More news as I hear it, and if it happens it would be great to see anyone there who can make it.Also, Brood Parasites.  It's taken a whole new turn.  I've taken on board advice from a NY Times best selling author and have completely restructured it.  That means the serialisation on this site is, well, now longer current.  But I'll be keeping it there for prosperity, at least int he short term.So yes, things progress, and in a very exciting way.  I'll be back with publication news soon, and until then, you stay classy.Michael