Just Keep Plugging, Just Keep Plugging

It's been quiet on here lately, hasn't it?Shhh!Oops, sorry.  But it has though, eh?  Perhaps you're wondering why.  Perhaps you're not.  Either way, I'm going to tell you.  I haven't been particularly well these past two months.  A combination of a twisted neck  achieved at kickboxing (not nearly as heroic as it sounds), and a lung infection bordering on pneumonia.These have not helped.  Especially when you consider I had an honest-to-god Sekret Projekt to work on.  This is something that could very well lead to A Thing, and you know it's important when capitals are involved.But this whole being poorly thing has meant I've been writing through a wall of exhaustion, and the end result is a story I'm really not very happy with.  But it's too late now to turn back, and it down to polishing the figurative turd.  I keep telling myself 'there are no boring subjects only boring writers' but rather than bolster my self confidence I realise I'm not as good as I think I am, and add self-doubt to my already too long list of maladies.But that doesn't matter (well it does, but bear with me). because nothing does.  You write.  And you keep on writing, and when you're done, you write some more.  And then perhaps edit.Because it's what you do, it's what you are, and the only other option is to not write.  And then what?  Then what are you?Keep that in mind.Michael