Nerd Alert

I'm really not one for labels.  Labels and tags seem to me to be a very north American invention which have crept into other societies as a lazy way for people to state who they are.  In high school I was a rugby-playing musician who played dungeons and dragons..... so what did that make me.  Michael, that's what it made me.However (it's amazing just how often that word pops up on my posts, eh?), I have no problems accepting was could be derivative terms such as nerd when it comes to anything which I enjoy.  And one of the things I enjoy is wargames, which is why I'm loving the prospects for Beyond The Gates of Antares.From a nerd (there's that word again) point of view, the actual game play mechanics are very interesting.  From a creative point of view, the background and build of the universe is even more attention-grabbing.   Rick Priestly, the creative force behind the game and one of the men responsible for what modern gaming is today, explains it better on the videos from the link above than I could.I'll be keeping an eye on this game, oh my yes I will, and I suggest if you're anything like me you should do.The next post will return to the literary type nerd messages from me you're used to.Michael