Operating at 0.100% efficiency

Here's the thing, we're all in the middle in a once in a century (hopefully) pandemic situation, where there are so many and varied impacts on our lives that none of is have experienced before. The impacts are physical such as limits on movement or impacts on health, and emotional, such as additional stress due to uncertainty and general increased anxiety.

Given that, it's understanbable that you're operating at your best, and you need to be kind to yourself because we will come out of the other end of this eventually and we can hit the ground running when that happens.

But's it's understandable that your bloody brain won't see it that way and will pound you constantly that you're not doing your best.

Maybe that's just me. It's not, but in these isolated times it can feel that way.

That's a long winded way of saying, yes i have been writing, but no, it's not nearly as much as it has been in the past.

Anyhoo, partly to help deal with the current situation and partly because it's been on my do to list for a while, I started working on a garden studio a few months back. This will act as a line of demarcation for work and writing away from the house (as I'm currently working at the same desk I play The Witcher badly at).

This is going well if i do say so myself, and have already asked my mum to stitch a nice "Go Away I'm Writing" sign for the door.

In the meantime I'm still plugging at the current novel with the working title of 'Primal' until something better occurs, and of course reading where I can. More on that in another post.

Stay safe and please get vaccinated if you can (I have and I think it made me taller).
