Sorry, My Words Are Spoken For

Any writers reading this (and I know some of you are reading this, Google Analytics wouldn't lie to me) will know of the push for new writers to establish an online presence.  Twitter, Facebook, Google+, blogs, and so on.  I adhered to this, and you're reading the results right now (almost like magic, eh?), but here's the thing.... I have nothing to say.  I've managed to keep this blog ticket steadily over for the last few years with ramblings  rumblings and the odd positive review.  But the fact is, as a writer still finding his feet my life is a far cry from the celebrity encrusted types such as Gaiman, Westerfeld, Cronin or, well, anyone published, you name them.I sit down and write everyday.  That's it.  Some people enjoy what I write, and quite honestly that combined with the joy I gain from just the act of creating is more than enough, but all my energy goes into that fiction or everyday life, such as looking after my boys, my wife and the day job.  The tank is empty when I come to this blog.So why do I have it?  Well, I'll continue the theme of honesty and be blunt.  It's not for you, dear reader; it's all for me.  This here is my public promise to myself that what I'm doing when I sit down to write is more than a hobby.  It's my pledge that I will do my best to get this manuscript finished and published.  Something said openly is much harder to break than one made silently in your own head.Not an especially inspiring post this one, but one I felt I needed to say.Don't worry, I'll get back with the inanely silly posts next time.  Oh, and get yourself a blog.  It's very therapeutic. Michael