
And Merry Christmas from Your Humble Wordsmith and the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine

And a yo ho ho to you too.  Wait, is that pirates or Father Christmas?  I do get them both mixed up.Anyway, best wishes and season's greetings!  And just in time for the big day, the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine have run a Christmas-themed story compilation for the season, featuring a story from yours truly, and, for added hilarity, I do the narration.Have at it, and have yourself a merry little Christmas!Michael

Lazarus and the Tank, on The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine

Let's get this out of the way early: I really don't sound like that.If you're wondering what I'm talking about you'll have to listen to the recent edition of the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine, where Big and Rish run a story of mine called Lazarus and the Tank.... and then do a Dick Van Dyke level impression.Don't ask.But do listen! (there's a link there, by the way)LazarusTank1 In all seriousness, I am truly honoured that they ran the story.  I've been listening to the podcast for years (and if you haven't, there's a 153 episodes for you to catch up on, you lucky person), long enough now when I hear their voices it's like listening to two old friends.Also kudos must go out to Tom Tancredi who did an excellent job with producing the cast, Craig Weinberg for the retro sci fi music (It made me want to play Mass Effect again) and Alyssa Quinn for the cover art, which suits the subject and sound effects perfectly.I hope you enjoy,Michael

Other Cool Dudes

Here's a post I've been meaning to write for a while.  I haven't so far, partly out of laziness (with a hint of being run off my arse with work), partly due to the the fear of missing someone off the list.  You see, I want to do a shout out to people who directly or indirectly give me a helping hand and keep me writing, and I'm one of those people who never took acting classes because of the fear of missing some people from the inevitable Oscar acceptance speeches   For all my four portrayals of James Bond, obviously.

First off a few authors.  I'm not going to give links to the Neil Gaimans and China Mievilles.  They don't need it, and you know who they are.  Instead it's people like Felix Gilman,  Aaron Bembski-Bowden, Richard Harland.
Felix was very nearly responsible for making sure I never wrote a word.  Go read his marvellous début Thunderer and you'll realise why.  It's hard to find such beautifully constructed writing in the same pages of concepts which are wide ranging enough to fill a novel themselves, let alone each page they seem to pop up on.
Aaron's work doesn't stretch further than the Games Workshop Warhammer 40,000 IP, but don't let that fool you.  His writing is as evocative and attention holding as any I've read.  I'm sure in time, once he breaks further away from Space Marines and into his own worlds, he'll be as well regarded as his Black Library stable mate Dan Abnett.  (nerd warning; his blog contains more the usual number of war games models, best to steer clear if terms like 'd20' and 'shooting phase' bring you out in hives).
And Richard just writes fantastic steampunk.  Seriously, I can't put it more bluntly.
I don't read nearly the amount of books I used to, so I'm fairly discerning when it comes to sinking time into one of the few novels I'm going to be able to read in a year, so I'm more and more going for the recommended and tried and true writers, but if you're reading this it's likely you're here because of my writing, and if you liked that (and thank and bless you if you did) you should check these three writers out.
Next up, a few support sites for fledgling authors.  First up would be the ever-so-useful I Should Be Writing from the ever-so-feisty Mur Lafferty.  I don't listen to ISBW (as it's known to its friends) as much as I used to, although that is mainly because I finally took the constant urging to stop thinking about writing and actually write dammit to heart.  But still, it was always there as I was initially finding my feet.
And then  there's the mighty Writing Excuses.  Hosted by the talented in the extreme Mary Robinette Kowell, Brandon Sanderson, Howard Taylor and Dan Wells.  This podcast tackles a subject about writing, the craft and art and even the business each week, with each host, each a more than established author in their own right, taking control.  I have no doubt I will continue to listen to WE no matter how long they continue to cast, it's that inspiring.
And this list wouldn't be complete without some of the (free!) fiction I routinely listen to.
First up, The Drabblecast.  If you've listened to any speculative fiction podcasts it's almost certain you're at least aware of The Drabblecast and it's enigmatic host Norma Sherman.  If not, here's a brief summery. Ahem.  It's awesomely weird and funny.  OK, that's it, nothing more.  Norm and his readers pick out some truly stand out stories, and the production values are second to absolutely no one.  Each week you can look forward to a short story, 1 100 word and a 100 character story, and also plenty of banter from the Shermanator himself which is always worth perking up and listening to.
Next, but certainly not least, is the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine.  Big Anklevich and Rish Outfield, the Dunesteef's hosts, ten to pick up longer stories than the Drabblecast, but their subjects are just as left field.  What really sets the Dunesteef aside from other casts is the dicussion between Big and Rish after the story (itself always a joy to listen to) about themes, characters, and basically anything else which strikes them.  The talks can go on much longer than the story itself  but I never mind.  It's like having two friends over for a chat.
And pulling up the rear just because it's the youngest is the Journey Into... podcast.  Eagle eyed readers may realise I sold a story to Marshal Latham who produces Journey Into... last week, but even had I not, it would still be in this list.  It's the Outer Limits, the Twilight Zone of podcasts.  I'm left feeling fulfilled and often nostalgic after each cast.
OK, that's it.  Go out, read, listen, enjoy!  Enough of me, get to it!

And Another Story Sold

Much rejoicing was had this past weekend.  Partly due to the missus and I buying a block of land (more of this will follow in other posts, I'm sure), but mainly due to the rather good Journey Into.... podcast buying one of my stories.Yay!Journey Into...The story is called Alek and Elizabeth and the End of the World, and will be the first time my writing will be podcasted.  I'm excited to see what the fine at at Journey Into... do with it, and duobly so that it is Journey Into....  Marshal Latham who puts the cast together is very talented.  He came to my notice from his work on the Dunesteef podcast, so above all else it's an honour he thinks my work is worth his time and energy.Thanks, Marshal!