
Aaaaaand We're Back!

Hello from Michael's website take 3!  I know, it looks fairly, well, yeah.... that's what it looks like.  but the last one, while looking pretty damn nifty, wasn't very usable.  So!  We're back to this blank blog form.  Which is fine for the moment, but I'll be prettifying it in time.In the meantime,  Brood Parasites continues apace, and Deadzone: Infestation from Mantic Games (background and story by yours truly), has begun to reach backers.  The feedback and buzz has been fantastic, and has left me feeling very warm on the outside when I wake up to comments like this:

If you haven't read it (to change game systems a bit) the fiction in the Deadzone Infestation book is about my speed. It sets up the situation, explains what each faction is doing there and sets the stakes, but leaves the end of the story to the players. Some of the best game fluff I've read for a while, both in terms of quality and for doing its job as game fiction.

Always nice to know what you were aiming for hit the mark.OK so, onwards and upwards.  Brood will continue to be serialised, and I have some more stories being published later this year.  But first, let's get this wesbite sexy.....Michael