Stephen Fry

Where I Belatedly Realise Dan Abnett Answered My Question

Wanna hear something freaky?  (No?  Well screw you, this is my blog.)  I was lucky enough that my work load yesterday consisted of completely boring document which were entirely possible to reformat while I listened to something to else.  Yah, i know, right?!  Seriously though, I love work days like this, because it allows me to trawl YouTube for advice from published authors to those of us just starting out.So I gone through Salman Rushdie and Ian McEwan (both always a pleasure to listen to), when I came across the video below.  Why am I posting this?  Because way back when Dan Abnett opened himself up on his blog to questions about his work and writing.  I'm a huuuuge fan of Dan's writing.  Some might say he's wasted on IP work, but in my mind it's writers of his caliber which give the genre its legitimacy.Anyway, I asked.  And then I forgot.  And then I listened to this video.  Skip to the 7:45 minute mark if you want, but I'd suggest you listen to the whole thing.... funny answer for an entirely unnecessary question.  But how do you write for someone who's smarter than you?  I think I'll ask Stephen Fry..... Michael