1884 in Living Audio

I just received the final recording of the audio version of my story 1884, published in Cthulhu Lives! from Ghostwoods Books, and my but is it a cracker. And voiced by Alisadir Stewart too, he who owns and voices many of the Escape Artists pod casts.

I couldn't have asked for a better person to voice a bleak horror story.The full collection will be released on Audible soon, and you better believe I'll be bringing it up here.

Kerching! Story, Order For One!

Just a short post here.  I know I've been quiet on the blogging front, but I'm sure you managed without me.  I've been writing y'see.  It's what us writers do.  Otherwise we're just weirdos who sit in front of computer screens.  And wouldn't you know it, one of those stories sold!The lovely and kind hearted people at Ghostwood Books decided my story 1884 was good enough to include in their upcoming anthology Cthulhu Lives and should see the light of day in a few months.  You better believe I'll be pimping it here when it hits.We out,Michael