Ghostwoods Books

Happy Publication Day to me!

Children of the Wild is officially published today!

After so many hours writing, editing, wondering how the amazing Lorena Carrington managed to capture the visuals so well, Children of the Wild is officially published today. It’s been a journey, but I’ve been helped through by the amazing people at Eagle Books.

It’s an odd feeling, letting your creative baby out into the world. I’ve done it before with short stories, novellas, and game background books, but everyone tells me the first novel is different, and, well, it is. I hope you like it.

“So, what’s next” I hear the voices in my head cry. Well, I’m halfway through the next book. Not a continuation of Children. Matthew, Adam and Alex all have more stories to tell, but that will come later. For the moment I’m midway through the first draft of what will be the first in a series based in the world of a short story I wrote for Ghostwoods Books a few years ago. What’s better than a murder crime thriller? A murder crime thriller where the victims can still be interviewed, that’s what.


Haunted Futures Released and a Haunted Video

Break out the fairy bread and butter up a toadstool*, Haunted Futures is finally on the streets!  It feels like it's taken an inordinately long time, but Salome and good people at Ghostwoods have really put together a great anthology here.  The reviews  - including a starred one from Publisher's Weekly - have begin rolling in and they're all really positive.And to mark the occasion, Salome hosted a hangout last night to speak to some of the authors, yours truly included, to chat about the book and, in my case, what not to include in children's fiction.I'm on first, but if you have...*looks at running time*, six hours... but life is bleak and needs entertainment, and the other guys are all worth hearing, so get at it. *I don't know what I'm on about either.

1884 in Living Audio

I just received the final recording of the audio version of my story 1884, published in Cthulhu Lives! from Ghostwoods Books, and my but is it a cracker. And voiced by Alisadir Stewart too, he who owns and voices many of the Escape Artists pod casts.

I couldn't have asked for a better person to voice a bleak horror story.The full collection will be released on Audible soon, and you better believe I'll be bringing it up here.

Ghostwoods Books on Kickstarter - A Good Cause for Good People and Good Fiction

Love fiction? 'Course you do! Love helping out the little guy? Of course, because you're a classy gal/guy (delete as appropriate). Love me? ....debatable. But so long as the answer to the first two was yes you might be interested in the kickstarter by Ghostwoods Books.Ghostwoods, or GWB to its friends, is a smalltime publisher with a good heart and some great books. They're running a kickstarter as a funding drive to set itself up to expand. They're aiming to be able to publish more books, and pay their authors fairly, which is always a good thing (see WWE for what happens when a writer is angry at their pay).

Anyhoo, for a few dollars you could help these guys along, and pick up an ebook or two. Might I suggest Cthulhu Lives!, featuring the hottest person writing this post right now, or Red Phone Box, a circular story exploration featuring Warren Ellis?

A Cthulhu Lives! review... and a digital high five

So here was, minding my own business, just aimlessly surfing the inter... OK, I've been googling pretty much none stop since the Cthulhu Lives! ARCs went out, so sue me.Anyway, I found this wonderful review of the collection here on the aptly named Library Thing from a lovely lady called Diana.  From now on every person I meet with that name shall receive a hug.  Maybe I'll get the right one eventually.Thank you for your kind words, Diana.  In lieu of said hug I offer you a digital high five (thi offer includes, but is not limited to, everyone reading)Cthulhu Lives!: An Eldritch Tribute to H.P.… 

Real Writer, Checking in

*Forces open the blog door against rusty hinges and blows dust from keyboard*Been a bit quiet here, eh?  I do apologise.  I've been rather busy, you see.  Mostly with stuff I'm afraid I can't share just yet, but soon, hopefully.  One thing I can share however is that Cthulhu Lives!, the anthology featuring yours truly from Ghostwoods Books, is now up for preorder on Amazon, and includes a blurb from Warren Ellis.Warren Ellis.Warren Ellis has read my work.Warren Ellis has read my work and didn't want to vomit.  I don't care where you're from, in my book that's a f***ing win!And to top that off Amazon emailed me recommending the books I'm published in.  I'm pretty certain Hemingway said something about this making a writer all official like.I'll leave you today with the song of the sphere.... cause it's awesome.  

Here Be Dagons

I just received an emailed from Salome Jones, the ever so helpful editor at Ghostwoods Books, which includes the cover for the Cthulhu Lives! anthology which shall include a story from yours truly.Behold!Picture 

Not too shabby if I do say so myself, and I do.

An initial release date was pencilled in for mid February, but that's been pushed back a little, but you better believe I'll be pushing the book here when it does hit.


Kerching! Story, Order For One!

Just a short post here.  I know I've been quiet on the blogging front, but I'm sure you managed without me.  I've been writing y'see.  It's what us writers do.  Otherwise we're just weirdos who sit in front of computer screens.  And wouldn't you know it, one of those stories sold!The lovely and kind hearted people at Ghostwood Books decided my story 1884 was good enough to include in their upcoming anthology Cthulhu Lives and should see the light of day in a few months.  You better believe I'll be pimping it here when it hits.We out,Michael