A Toy Christmas

A Toy Christmas, Now Recommended World Wide

In a very welcome piece of news,  A Toy Christmas (featuring a story from muggins here) featured in the worldwide Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators recommended reading list for Winter 2016.OK, yes, it's summer here, but this being a proper, growd up, world wide society, they're set in the US.  This is great news, and very flattering.  Congratulations to Sophie and everyone at Christmas Press on this achievement!Michael

'A Toy Christmas Launch', at Kids Readings Carlton

Yesterday saw the official release of 'A Toy Christmas' from Christmas Press Picture Books.  A wonder childrens' anthology if I do say so myself, and featuring some wonderful talent.  I was lucky enough to attend the launch at Readings' Carlton store in Melbourne with fellow authors Meredith Costain, Goldie Alexander and George Ivanoff, along with editor and head publiersherino Sophie Masson.Fun was had by all, and Sophie did a wonderful launch of the book to a storeful of people.  "Pics or it didn't happen" I here you cry.  Well, as you asked... 

Left to right - yours truly, Meredith Costain, Sophie Masson, Goldie Alexander, and George Ivanoff


Me, doing 'voices'