Christmas Press Picture Books

A Miniature Christmas - the reviews begin

I got my hot little hands on some contributor copies of A Miniature Christmas recently, and oh my is it pretty. Easily the best looking edition of the collection so far. But more importantly, the first review are coming in.... 

Kids' Books Review posted a very nice review of the collection, and wouldn't you know it, Straight on 'Til Morning got a mention:

"I love Oliver Phommavanh’s story about the little elf in an app that comes to life to tell Nathan how much fun he can get out of each toy he wants for Christmas. George Ivanoff’s story about a Christmas fairy trap is magical and Michael Grey’s reimagining of a Peter Pan ‘chrimbas’ is fun and authentic."

 It's so nice when that happens, and it's really made my day.Well, that's enough self-congratulating out of the way. The edits to this novel won't make themselves.....  

'A Toy Christmas Launch', at Kids Readings Carlton

Yesterday saw the official release of 'A Toy Christmas' from Christmas Press Picture Books.  A wonder childrens' anthology if I do say so myself, and featuring some wonderful talent.  I was lucky enough to attend the launch at Readings' Carlton store in Melbourne with fellow authors Meredith Costain, Goldie Alexander and George Ivanoff, along with editor and head publiersherino Sophie Masson.Fun was had by all, and Sophie did a wonderful launch of the book to a storeful of people.  "Pics or it didn't happen" I here you cry.  Well, as you asked... 

Left to right - yours truly, Meredith Costain, Sophie Masson, Goldie Alexander, and George Ivanoff


Me, doing 'voices'

If I Were a Piggy I'd Sing Piggy Wiggy Wiggy Wiggy Woo!

So here's a nice surprise.  The Once Upon a Christmas anthology from Christmas Press Picture Books, which features yours truly, is counted among the best 25 Christmas childrens' books over at Childrens' Books Daily.

A magical Christmas mix of stories, poems, memoirs and illustrations from some of Australia’s favourite children’s authors and illustrators. From the funny to the ghostly, fantasy to adventure, from peace and love to action and the unexpected, from recipes to carols, whether you dip in or devour, read aloud or read under the covers, there’s something in this beautiful lavish book for everyone to enjoy. 

Which is a lovely thing to say, and I of course agree completely.  ;) Michael

'The Boar's Head' Gets All Pictoral

I had a wonderful surprise yesterday. It turns out my story in the upcoming 'Once Upon a Christmas' anthology from Christmas Press Picture Books rated its own illustration from the overly talented Ingrid Kallick.It's like magic. I wrote the words and its like someone saw what was in my head (which may or may not mean that The Voices were right all along, but that's for another time).If you're wondering what the illustration for The Boar's Head looks like, here 'tis.And if you're in the market for a little persons' collection of Christmas stories for this season, here you go