Eagle Books

Happy Publication Day to me!

Children of the Wild is officially published today!

After so many hours writing, editing, wondering how the amazing Lorena Carrington managed to capture the visuals so well, Children of the Wild is officially published today. It’s been a journey, but I’ve been helped through by the amazing people at Eagle Books.

It’s an odd feeling, letting your creative baby out into the world. I’ve done it before with short stories, novellas, and game background books, but everyone tells me the first novel is different, and, well, it is. I hope you like it.

“So, what’s next” I hear the voices in my head cry. Well, I’m halfway through the next book. Not a continuation of Children. Matthew, Adam and Alex all have more stories to tell, but that will come later. For the moment I’m midway through the first draft of what will be the first in a series based in the world of a short story I wrote for Ghostwoods Books a few years ago. What’s better than a murder crime thriller? A murder crime thriller where the victims can still be interviewed, that’s what.
