do it for the kids

Ghostwoods Books on Kickstarter - A Good Cause for Good People and Good Fiction

Love fiction? 'Course you do! Love helping out the little guy? Of course, because you're a classy gal/guy (delete as appropriate). Love me? ....debatable. But so long as the answer to the first two was yes you might be interested in the kickstarter by Ghostwoods Books.Ghostwoods, or GWB to its friends, is a smalltime publisher with a good heart and some great books. They're running a kickstarter as a funding drive to set itself up to expand. They're aiming to be able to publish more books, and pay their authors fairly, which is always a good thing (see WWE for what happens when a writer is angry at their pay).

Anyhoo, for a few dollars you could help these guys along, and pick up an ebook or two. Might I suggest Cthulhu Lives!, featuring the hottest person writing this post right now, or Red Phone Box, a circular story exploration featuring Warren Ellis?