Dreadball - Writing the story

Regular readers (I have some, Google Analytics wouldn't lie to me) will know I've done some regular writing for Mantic Games, creating the back story and fluff for a few of their games, including the sci fi  setting for Dreadball. It's a tonne of fun, and the game is about to be released, and then this morning the below popped up on my feed.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6BtNJf0nRuU&t=0sIt feels off hearing people talk about the background I wrote as if it were a real thing. Good, but odd.  Reading the Dreadball facebook pages its great to see the players picking up the fluff and running with it. I'm really happy it seems to be going down well.And I'm especially happy that Elmer And Dobbs the commentators are particular favourites.Image result for dreadball elmer and dobbs

Aurealis Awards - and me!

https://aurealisawards.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/aurealis-awards-finalist-high-res.jpg Y'see that image right there? That one, just above these words? That applies to me.  I know, I'm shocked too. So shocked it would seem I completely forgot to mention that my story Grind from the Pacific Monsters anthology was shortlisted for the horror novella category.It is, of course, an honour as much as a surprise to be included among such talented work.  Looking through the other nominees you can't help but see some of Australia's best spec fic writers and artists. I feel like a complete imposter to be among them. I am told that everyone feels that way, but then again that's exactly what I would say to someone else too.The winners are announced at SwanCon in Perth next weekend. I'm doing my best not to think about it too much.  I don't think I stand a shifty cat in hell's chance of winning, but then again being included int he shortlist makes me feel as thought I've won already.You better believe I'll be posting about whoever won next week, but in the mind time, fingers, toes and other bits crossed. Michael 

2017 Aurealis Awards – Finalists

BEST CHILDREN’S FICTIONHow to Bee, Bren MacDibble (Allen & Unwin)The Extremely Inconvenient Adventures of Bronte Mettlestone, Jaclyn Moriarty (Allen & Unwin)The Shop at Hoopers Bend, Emily Rodda (HarperCollins Australia)The Exile, Jo Sandhu (Penguin Random House Australia)Accidental Heroes, Lian Tanner (Allen & Unwin)Nevermoor, Jessica Townsend (Hachette Australia)BEST GRAPHIC NOVEL / ILLUSTRATED WORKAction Tank, Mike Barry (Mike Barry Was Here)Changing Ways book 3, Justin Randall (Gestalt)Dungzilla, James Foley (Fremantle Press)Giants, Trolls, Witches, Beasts, Craig Phillips (Allen & Unwin)Home Time, Campbell Whyte (Penguin Random House Australia)Tintinnabula, Margo Lanagan & Rovina Cai (ill.) (Little Hare)BEST YOUNG ADULT SHORT STORY“One Small Step”, Amie Kaufman (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)“I Can See the Ending”, Will Kostakis (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)“Competition Entry #349”, Jaclyn Moriarty (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)“First Casualty” Michael Pryor (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)Girl Reporter, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Book Smugglers)“Oona Underground”, Lili Wilkinson (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)BEST HORROR SHORT STORY“Reef”, Kat Clay (SQ Mag 31, IFWG Publishing Australia)“Outside, a Drifter”, Lisa L Hannett (Looming Low, Dim Shores)“Angel Hair”, Deborah Sheldon (Perfect Little Stitches and Other Stories, IFWG Publishing Australia)“The Endless Below”, Alfie Simpson (Breach Issue #02)“Old Growth”, J Ashley Smith (SQ Mag 31, IFWG Publishing Australia)“On the Line”, J Ashley Smith (Midnight Echo 12, Australasian Horror Writers Association)BEST HORROR NOVELLAThe Mailman, Jeremy Bates (Ghillinnein Books)Hope and Walker, Andrew Cull (Vermillion Press)“Grind”, Michael Grey (Pacific Monsters, Fox Spirit Books)“The Stairwell”, Chris Mason (Below The Stairs – Tales from the Cellar, Things In The Well)“No Good Deed”, Angela Slatter (New Fears 1, Titan Books)“Furtherest”, Kaaron Warren (Dark Screams Volume 7, Cemetery Dance)BEST FANTASY SHORT STORY“Hamelin’s Graves”, Freya Marske (Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #69)“The Curse is Come Upon Me, Cried”, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Please Look After This Angel & Other Winged Stories, self-published)“The Little Mermaid, in Passing”, Angela Slatter (Review of Australian Fiction Vol 22 Issue 1)“Duplicity”, J Ashley Smith (Dimension6 #11)“The Rainmaker Goddess, Hallowed Shaz”, Marlee Jane Ward (Feminartsy)“Oona Underground”, Lili Wilkinson (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia).BEST FANTASY NOVELLAThe Book Club, Alan Baxter (PS Publishing)“Remnants”, Nathan Burrage (Dimension6 #11, Coer de Lion)“The Cunning Woman’s Daughter”, Kate Forsyth & Kim Wilkins (The Silver Well, Ticonderoga Publications)In Shadows We Fall, Devin Madson (self-published)“Braid”, Kirstyn McDermott (Review of Australian Fiction Vol 24 Issue 1)Humanity for Beginners, Faith Mudge (Less Than Three Press)BEST SCIENCE FICTION SHORT STORY“The Missing Years”, Lyn Battersby (Andromeda Spaceways Magazine #66)“A Little Faith”, Aiki Flinthart (Like a Woman, Mirren Hogan)“Cards and Steel Hearts”, Pamela Jeffs (Lawless Lands: Tales from the Weird Frontier, Falstaff Books)“One Small Step”, Amie Kaufman (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)“Conversations with an Armoury” Garth Nix (Infinity Wars, Solaris)“Hurk + Dav”, Arthur Robinson (Breach Issue #01)BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVELLA“This Silent Sea”, Stephanie Gunn (Review of Australian Fiction Vol 24 Issue 6)“I Can See the Ending”, Will Kostakis (Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology, HarperCollins Australia)“The Wandering Library”, DK Mok (Ecopunk!, Ticonderoga Publications)“Island Green”, Shauna O’Meara (Ecopunk!, Ticonderoga Publications)Matters Arising from the Identification of the Body, Simon Petrie (Peggy Bright Books)Girl Reporter, Tansy Rayner Roberts (Book Smugglers)BEST COLLECTIONThe Birdcage Heart & Other Strange Tales, Peter M Ball (Brain Jar Press)The Silver Well, Kate Forsyth & Kim Wilkins (Ticonderoga Publications)Beneath the Floating City, Donna Maree Hanson (self-published)Singing My Sister Down and Other Stories, Margo Lanagan (Allen & Unwin)Please Look After This Angel & Other Winged Stories, Tansy Rayner Roberts (self-published)Perfect Little Stitches and Other Stories, Deborah Sheldon (IFWG Publishing Australia)BEST ANTHOLOGYMidnight Echo #12, Shane Jiraiya Cummings & Anthony Ferguson (eds.) (Australasian Horror Writers Association)The Year’s Best Australian Fantasy and Horror 2015, Liz Grzyb & Talie Helene (eds.) (Ticonderoga Publications)Dimension6: Annual Collection 2017, Keith Stevenson (ed.) (coeur de lion publishing)Infinity Wars, Jonathan Strahan (ed.) (Rebellion/Solaris)The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year: Volume 11, Jonathan Strahan (ed.) (Rebellion/Solaris)BEST YOUNG ADULT NOVELIn The Dark Spaces, Cally Black (Hardie Grant Egmont)Ida, Alison Evans (Echo, Bonnier Publishing Australia)Frogkisser!, Garth Nix (Allen & Unwin)This Mortal Coil, Emily Suvada (Puffin UK)Psynode, Marlee Jane Ward (Seizure)The Undercurrent, Paula Weston (Text Publishing)BEST HORROR NOVELAletheia, J S Breukelaar (Crystal Lake Publishing)Who’s Afraid Too?, Maria Lewis (Hachette Australia)Soon, Lois Murphy (Transit Lounge)BEST FANTASY NOVELCrossroads of Canopy, Thoraiya Dyer (Tor Books)Gwen, Goldie Goldbloom (Fremantle Press)Cassandra, Kathryn Gossow (Odyssey Books)Godsgrave, Jay Kristoff (HarperCollins Publishers)Gap Year In Ghost Town, Michael Pryor (Allen & Unwin)Wellside, Robin Shortt (Candlemark & Gleam)BEST SCIENCE FICTION NOVELClosing Down, Sally Abbott (Hachette Australia)Terra Nullius, Claire G Coleman (Hachette Australia)Year of the Orphan, Daniel Findlay (Penguin Random House Australia)An Uncertain Grace, Krissy Kneen (Text Publishing)From the Wreck, Jane Rawson (Transit Lounge)Lotus Blue, Cat Sparks (Skyhorse)

Pacific Monsters Review

A happy new year to you all, and may I present for your consideration the first review (that I've seen, anyway) from the very kind Joanne hall, of Pacific Monsters, and my if it isn't a good one.The full review can be found here, but because I'm a nice person I'll paste the wordage below. Enjoy! 

Pacific Monsters is the fourth in Fox Spirit's ongoing series of monster stories collected from all around the world, and with this edition put together from across the expanse of the Pacific Ocean, it's no surprise that the sea features heavily in a lot of the stories here. It should be noted that Pacific Monsters also takes in monsters from Australia and New Zealand in this case, drawing on both Maori ( "Children of the Mist" by Tihema Baker, A J Fitzwater's excellently-titled "From the Womb of the Land, our Bones Entwined" )and Aboriginal ("The Legend of Georgie" by Raymond Gates deals with a bunyip and a trio of very dumb students) mythology.All of the Monsters books have been very strong collections, and Pacific Monsters continues that trend. When reviewing collections I always like to pick out a few highlights, and in this particular volume these are the stories that stood out for me."All My Relations" by Bryan Kamdoli Kuwada is a powerful story set in the seas around Hawaii and features as its narrator a kupua, a powerful shapeshifter who can take the form of a shark. The narrator is held by an ancient vow not to eat human flesh, but his resolve is tested when he begins to teach a young boy who has little respect for the sea.Anthology closer "Into the Sickly Light" by AC Buchanan, which takes place in New Zealand, is based on a local event that occurred in 1965 when a mass later identified as a whale carcass washed up on a New Zealand beach. The "globster" of the story exerts a powerful influence over the local population, and it's up to young outsider Colleen to save them.On a lighter note, Simon Dewar's "Above the Peppermint Trail" is the story of a family and their French nanny who foolishly wander off the trail in a nature reserve and come face to face with Australia's most savage and feared predator, the deadly and terrifying drop bear...As always with the Monsters series there's a graphic element, with two comic strip stories, "I Sindalu" by Gaum-based author Michael Lujan Bevacqua, and the moving "Dinornis" by Octavia Cade, both illustrated by Dave Johnson, and all of the stories have art to accompany them (The large format paperbacks of the series are splendid coffee-table books).Editor Margret Helgadottir (a fine SF author as well as an editor) speaks in the introduction about how challenging it was to find authors from the Pacific islands who were able and willing to contribute to the anthology, and although it means the stories incline towards Australia and New Zealand, it's to Margret's credit that she's still managed to pull together such a wide-ranging collection of scary monsters and super creeps. It's a reminder that no one is safe from the supernatural, even at the furthest edges of the world...

Pacific Monsters

The modern world sucks.No wait, I have a point, bear with me.Now, I may be showing my age but I was partly raised by my elderly aunt and uncle, and in the 80s on rainy Saturday afternoons (there's few other kinds in Yorkshire outside summer), it was TV time.  After wrestling (Kendo Nagasaki was my favourite) and maybe the A Team if it was on, we'd get to the black and white films. My uncle loved the westerns, but they were never my thing. No, but give me a good Jason and the Argonauts, or even better, anything to do wit 19th century pirates and you couldn't prize me away from that television for all the M.A.S.K. toys in the world.I've thought a lot in the time since at why I loved those particular films since, and others set in what's often called - if you're being diplomatic - simpler times, and it always comes down to a unifying factor - the unknown. I grew up watching films and television programmes (think more Tin Tin than A-Team at this point) where there were still parts of the worlds considered unexplored, where a 'Here Be Dragons' scrawled on a map had to be taken seriously, because there's might be a bloody dragon there.And that's why the modern world sucks. Because there are so few unknowns anymore. But one of those unknowns is the sea, and that's why I jumped at the chance to contribute a story to Fox Spirit's Pacific Monsters because it allowed me to tell a story about the kinds of monsters once thought to inhabit the less frequented corners of the world. Only, in this case, it just might. Image result for ningen

Impossibly ancient and immense life form, yesterday.

 For anyone who follows these things, more and more information about our oceans is being discovered. One those facts which keeps rearing its head is the 'we know less about our oceans than we do about the moon' and I love that. But that's all oceans. What about the least-visited ocean? What percentage of that is explored?The story the ningen hits all my interest points. Tales have been told about their (it's, there?) existence for well over a century, there's some (dodgy... yeah, let's admit it, dodgy) photographic evidence (stop laughing, I said it was dodgy), and, best of all, it's every so slightly and tantalisingly - maybe - plausible.When I went to write 'Grind' for the collection I went a bit beyond my usual scope of research (IE, watching youtube videos and shouting "cool!" at the screen) and found one of those weird-arse conspiracy theory channels which in this case linked everything to the bible. While I'm sure these channels are filled with the kind of people who not only think fluoride has mind control properties, but also makes your skin glow, this one channels did link a particular bible passage to the potential existence of the ningen, and made a good enough linke between the two that I couldn't help but include it in Grind. I won't say what ti is, that, dear reader, is for you to discover and decide yourself.And on that note - Pacific Monsters is out on November 30th at all good book shops and some dodgy ones too. Michael

Well That Got Deep Quickly

I love Twitter.  Well, love / hate.  As anyone who uses it regularly will know it's has it times and uses, including shouting dad jokes into the ether.  And every so often it throws up unexpected gems, and this morning it did just that.Go ahead and read all that.  I'll wait.Image result for well that escalated quickly See what I mean.  That was insightful, and exceptionally well thought out, and brought something to mind about story telling in general and novel writing in particular.Novel's aren't easy.  You're trying to tell a story over 100 thousand words, and no one on Earth can know ahead of times what those words will be ahead of time.  The first draft is an exploration for the writer as for the reader, and even when the final draft is completed, there's still 100k words on the page.  There's a lot of room for interpretation in those words.  Ever read a novel twice and come away with a whole new impression?  That's the effect in action, and here we see that again.I doubt the writers of Friends had that particular sub narrative in mind when they were writing, but that's how it came out, and now I can't unsee it.  It makes sense (and also makes Ross all that more pathetic... although he's into dinosaurs, so he's still my favourite).  But the process of crafting such a rich world of deep, believable character, such unintended subplots are unanticipated and welcome.  That's something that makes long form story telling - Such as long-time overarching TV shows or novels - so special.  There's always more if we're willing to look.Michael  

Pacific Monsters from Fox Spirit Books

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8IVI0sZ6F8As the man says, good news!  Fox Spirits have been releasing a series of anthologies based on folk tales and mythologies from around the world for a few years now.  So far we've seen Europe, Africa and Asia (along with a few nominations and awards along the way) and now they've hit the Pacific, and wouldn't you know it, I'll be included! Pacific Monsters had its table of contents released yesterday, and it's very exciting.  I'm honoured to be among such talented company, and I can't wait to read the other stories in there.Pacific Monsters will hit book shelves this November, and you know I'll be here spruiking it as only a man with bills to pay could. Michael 

What I learned from...The Girl on the Train, by Paula Hawkins

Did you know there's a Drafts folder in Wordpress?  I didn't.  Until this morning, when I opened up the Dashboard, wondering with light  interest what I would blog about today, when I sw it, and also notes from a post I was writing last November about impressions I had from The Girl on the Train.  Anyone who reads this regularly (and if you do, I suspect you're a Russian bot selling Raybans) will know I suck at organisation, so me forgetting all about this isn't unusual.  But what is is the reason I started that post to begin with was still in my mind.Before we go on, spoiler alert for the post below.  If you haven't read the book go do that first.  Go on, we'll wait...

A train... presumably there's a girl on it somewhere.

 ...welcome back!Good wasn't it?  What did you take from it?  For me it was am excellent use of shifting sympathies.  Hawkins made us pity than dislike Anna from one chapter to the next as each new piece of info was drip fed.  I'm constantly amazed at writers who manage to do that (George RR Martin manages that with more than a few of his characters, Jaimie Lannister  for EG).  It unhinges the reader.  Just when we think we know her something else happens and we know a little more.Lesson one:  You don't need to reveal everything in one go.Secondly, not all character arcs need to be complete.  Thinking about Cathy's (Anna's landlady) boyfriend is one.  He performs some necessary services up front, has his own little backstory, then quietly disappears.As writers we're often rpeached at that characters all need their own arc.  Not true.  Is it necessary to find out that Cathy's boyfriend was only with her so he could steal her father's Subbuteo collection?  Newp.Lesson two:  Get the minor's characters established, get their job done, anything else is window dressing.Finally - major character changes are never pretty.Here I'm talking about Tom.  Goes from an entire book of being a despairing and caring ex to a murderous psychopath for five pages.  Hawkins does use it good effect, as the change was ot reveal a character flaw which he himself would have tried to hide, but she went overboard I feel.But then again she sells more books than me every second, so I'm willing to concede that's, like, my opinion man.The Girl On the Train Who was Gone and then Taken (to give the genre its full title) was a lot of fun and great lesson on character twists though.I wish I had a conclusion to this post, but hey, that's my own twist for today.Michael

Haunted Futures Released and a Haunted Video

Break out the fairy bread and butter up a toadstool*, Haunted Futures is finally on the streets!  It feels like it's taken an inordinately long time, but Salome and good people at Ghostwoods have really put together a great anthology here.  The reviews  - including a starred one from Publisher's Weekly - have begin rolling in and they're all really positive.And to mark the occasion, Salome hosted a hangout last night to speak to some of the authors, yours truly included, to chat about the book and, in my case, what not to include in children's fiction.I'm on first, but if you have...*looks at running time*  ...wow, six hours... but life is bleak and needs entertainment, and the other guys are all worth hearing, so get at it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ysdkHIIB3rE *I don't know what I'm on about either.

Haunted Futures - the reviews begin

It's now only a few weeks until Haunted Futures hits the shelves - both digitally and physically - and the reviews have already begun and so far they've all been glowing.Haunted Futures, a novel by Salome Jones Everyone involved is pretty hyped that the collection no less than a starred review from Publisher's Weekly, and the most recent one comes from SF Book Reviews which kindly goes into every story individually, and was nice enough to say this about mine:

Future Noir by Michael Grey

Science fiction and Noir is a great combination and Michael Grey really nails it with Future Noir. This story asks the question - what would happen if they managed to prove the afterlife really does exist? If life after death is a proven fact how would this effect society, technology and of course religion? Throw in an investigation of the first murder in 20 years and you have a really cracking story.

If you want to pick up a copy of Haunted Futures (and why wouldn't you?), get thine self yonder. Michael

The Time Fairy

I have this suspicion that there's a time fairy.  She comes along when you're not looking and - whoosh! - waves her wand and suddenly it's 9pm, the dishes are still waiting to be done, you know the rubbish is being collected the next day, and and some point you're going to have to ingest something or drop to the floor.In my mind she's related to the tooth and the sock* fairy.Only the time fairy hasn't been visiting me, instead I've been hit with a big dose of real life.the past 7 months have seen my become a father again, get a new job and move into a newly built house.  All ft very much into the 'yay!' category, but they also suck in time like a .... OK, I won't use the analogy which sprung to mind.  Let's go with 'vacuum cleaner'.The problem is around 7 months ago I also agreed to write a novel and, well, it's not going well.  Well, it IS going well in that the story is solid, and the characters are so grounded they have birth certificates, but the time to write?  Yeah, it's eluding me.So, I've found a way to streamline - the first draft is being written as a screenplay.  economical in words and time, a screenplay is quickly allowing me to get the first draft out of the way, nailing down the nitty gritty, helping me spot plot hole without having to go through thousands of words to get there.  Hoorah!So, when the time fairy comes knocking next time, I'll be waiting, with a length of two by four, and a camera to send a proof of life to the sock fairy to demand my socks back.Michael *The sock fairy is the one who leaves you with odd socks.  She's the most evil one.

And Merry Christmas from Your Humble Wordsmith and the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine

And a yo ho ho to you too.  Wait, is that pirates or Father Christmas?  I do get them both mixed up.Anyway, best wishes and season's greetings!  And just in time for the big day, the Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine have run a Christmas-themed story compilation for the season, featuring a story from yours truly, and, for added hilarity, I do the narration.Have at it, and have yourself a merry little Christmas!Michael

On Taking Inspiration From Wherever it Comes

There's a fantastic podcast going on at the moment called The Bestseller Experiment which i urge you listen to.  It's two guys looking into how to write a best selling novel in one year, which sounds cynical andall about the filthy lucre on the surface, but it's more about looking into writing craft, its business, and creativity in general.The Bestseller ExperimentAnyway, last week I was listening to the episode with Brian Cranston.  Cranston had written screenplays, which was the link, but the conversation quickly turned ot creativity and artistry in general, and something he said stuck out to me.  Cranston was speaking about an early audition he had and the advice he was given was ot give the interviewer what they want to see, and he said no, you give the audition the character deserves.  And you may not get the part, but you will be remembered.And I think the reason hat stayed with me was interviews with other artists I read as a kid that I still carry around with me now, and those were with James Hetfield of Metallica.Whenever I'm asked my influences - which happens believe it or not - I include Metallica, and that always takes people by surprise.  Not that this mild mannered chap would listen to such brash music (god help them if they ever see my CD collection*), but that a writer would list them as an influence.  But the thing is Metallica came out fo nowhere in the 80s playing their own style of music.  When everything was just getting faster, yellier and more distorted, they took their love of Euro glam rock and played their own version of it.  Their love of their own art showed, and spawned a hundred copycats, but the point is they went against the grain.  They ignored the market and played the music they wanted to.They played it, and they did indeed come.And that's a lesson I take to writing - pay no mind what's popular, ignore the zeigeist, write what you love.  If you love it, there'll be more.  Trust me on this.Michael *For the kids in the audience, CDs were like tiny, limited MP3 players that doubled up as chicken hypotising discs

A Toy Christmas, Now Recommended World Wide

In a very welcome piece of news,  A Toy Christmas (featuring a story from muggins here) featured in the worldwide Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators recommended reading list for Winter 2016.OK, yes, it's summer here, but this being a proper, growd up, world wide society, they're set in the US.  This is great news, and very flattering.  Congratulations to Sophie and everyone at Christmas Press on this achievement!Michael

The First Review for 'A Toy Christmas'

And hot on the heels of the launch comes the first int he wild review of A Toy Christmas, from Readplus.  It says some really nice things about the book, and singles out your truly among other authors from the collection.Enjoy!Michael

In her introduction Sophie Masson talks about the magic of toys at Christmas and this collection of stories certainly reflects that theme. Written by some well-known and not so well-known authors, (Natalie Jane Prior, Meredith Costain, Michael Grey, Fiona McDonald, Juliet Marillier, Anna Bell, Ian Irvine, Kathy Creamer, George Ivanoff, Goldie Alexander, David Allan, Rebecca Fung, and Beattie Alvarez) whose short biographies are given at the back of the book, this is a collection that begs to be dipped into for the variety of stories that can be found within its cover. Each story is illustrated in bright colours, adding to the appeal of the book.As a fan of fantasy, I immediately used the Table of Contents to read the story, A real present, by Juliet Marillier, one of favourite authors. Jenny is a little girl who wants a present for the Thing under her bed, her best friend and comes up with a creative plan for a present. The story is redolent with the joy of imagination and the meaning of giving presents. Another by George Ivanoff caught my eye, and I was delighted to read Pudding Prize, extolling the old Christmas custom of putting a surprise in the Christmas pudding. In this Anna finds a tiny matryoshka, a Russian doll which symbolises fun and laughter and learns about the beautiful nesting dolls from Russia. Avi and the Chanukah surprise by Goldie Alexander will remind readers that many cultures do not celebrate Christmas, but have their own way of celebrating their customs. One that brought a tear to my eye was An unexpected gift by Michael Grey, where a little boy is given a toy that reminds him of his absent mother.This is a collection that is well worth having in the library as it collects an engrossing range of Christmas stories, each quite different, but all quality, around the theme of toys. Readers and children who listen to the stories will be reminded that Christmas is not only a time of fun, but one of giving, of caring for the lonely and bereft and celebrating different customs.


'A Toy Christmas Launch', at Kids Readings Carlton

Yesterday saw the official release of 'A Toy Christmas' from Christmas Press Picture Books.  A wonder childrens' anthology if I do say so myself, and featuring some wonderful talent.  I was lucky enough to attend the launch at Readings' Carlton store in Melbourne with fellow authors Meredith Costain, Goldie Alexander and George Ivanoff, along with editor and head publiersherino Sophie Masson.Fun was had by all, and Sophie did a wonderful launch of the book to a storeful of people.  "Pics or it didn't happen" I here you cry.  Well, as you asked... 

Left to right - yours truly, Meredith Costain, Sophie Masson, Goldie Alexander, and George Ivanoff


Me, doing 'voices'

I Aintn't Dead

Wow, June since the last update....?  Well I can only apologise, and promise you that I have very good reasons.  The wife and I are building a house, I had a big project due for Mantic Games (incoming soon), and, probably most importantly, we became parents again.  Three boys..... future me is crying about the food bill.But i have still been working, and have things afoot, not the least of which two anthologies which are being published soon with stories from yours truly included.  In fact I just heard that one - A Toy Christmas from Christmas Press Picture Books - might be getting a launch party in Melbourne in November.  More news as I hear it, and if it happens it would be great to see anyone there who can make it.Also, Brood Parasites.  It's taken a whole new turn.  I've taken on board advice from a NY Times best selling author and have completely restructured it.  That means the serialisation on this site is, well, now longer current.  But I'll be keeping it there for prosperity, at least int he short term.So yes, things progress, and in a very exciting way.  I'll be back with publication news soon, and until then, you stay classy.Michael

Just Keep Swimming

Alrighty, blog updated!  Looks a bit lacklustre compared to the last one, but hey, it works, which is always a bonus on something you want to, well, work.   You may also noticed I posted Brood Parasites onto its own page.  I'll be updating it alongside the Wattpad project, but given how optimised Wattpad is or mobile devices I'll be keeping that updated as we go along.Anyhoo I did have a reason to post today, and that's to say I'll be posting a series of vlogs onto my YouTube channel.  This isn't going to replace the blog, but there's a certain ability to hide behind the keyboard here, whereas when I sit in front of a camera I feel a little bit more laid bare* (*nudity will not feature - thank god for everyone involved), and I'm hoping it will force me to be more honest with myself about my creative output if I feel I'm sharing it with everyone.I'll also be taking the opportunity to talk about, well, whatever I feel like talking about - the difficulty into writing around a full time job and  family, whatever happened in publishing that week, various facets around writing and storytelling - that kind of thing.The first log will be uploaded in the next day or two, and please, let me know what you think!Michael

Aaaaaand We're Back!

Hello from Michael's website take 3!  I know, it looks fairly, well, yeah.... that's what it looks like.  but the last one, while looking pretty damn nifty, wasn't very usable.  So!  We're back to this blank blog form.  Which is fine for the moment, but I'll be prettifying it in time.In the meantime,  Brood Parasites continues apace, and Deadzone: Infestation from Mantic Games (background and story by yours truly), has begun to reach backers.  The feedback and buzz has been fantastic, and has left me feeling very warm on the outside when I wake up to comments like this:

If you haven't read it (to change game systems a bit) the fiction in the Deadzone Infestation book is about my speed. It sets up the situation, explains what each faction is doing there and sets the stakes, but leaves the end of the story to the players. Some of the best game fluff I've read for a while, both in terms of quality and for doing its job as game fiction.

Always nice to know what you were aiming for hit the mark.OK so, onwards and upwards.  Brood will continue to be serialised, and I have some more stories being published later this year.  But first, let's get this wesbite sexy.....Michael